Saturday 7 September 2013

Adventure is waiting

I've been living in Glasgow again for 8 months now.  It's taken me a lot longer to settle here than I anticipated, but thankfully I do feel a lot better now than I did at the start!  It's been a bit of a roller-coaster of a year so far - I've faced quite a lot of fears and difficult situations, but have also found good in unexpected things. 
One of these things has been having the luxury of time to be more creative (an advantage of being a part-timer).  I graduated from art school just over 3 years ago now, and have really struggled to come to terms with the experience and how it left me feeling about myself and my ability to create.  Perhaps it's unfair to blame my lack of productivity entirely on my time at uni, but I still find it very hard to make anything for fear of being judged and criticised by others and not living up to their (or my) expectations.
However, I'm pleased to say that I've taken a big step forward and have restarted my art blog, which shows some of the things I have been making over the past few months.  I'd love (ok, perhaps not love, but I'd be secretly pleased) for you to have a look at it:  It's quite scary for me to make my artwork public again, but I'm trying to embrace it and use the blog as motivation to keep going!  As with this blog, feel free to add comments.
I bought this card from Paperchase the other day... I guess I don't want to wait anymore!
The view from my window the other night - who doesn't love a good sunset?!