Sunday 14 June 2015

Mission Completed

9. Fly in a helicopter
Well, I can now say that I've finally finished my list!  Yesterday I ticked off the final item, flying in a helicopter.  I'd booked it in April, but had to wait a wee while to use the voucher and had my first attempt called off by the weather.  It was a bit cloudy yesterday, so instead of flying over Glasgow, the pilot took us up to Loch Lomond and back.  Not to sound like a show off, but the views were very similar to when I did the hot air balloon.  But it was amazing being in something that moves so fast, and very differently to balloons or planes.  My favourite bit was when the pilot turned round and said to me over the headphones, 'Don't worry, you won't fall out', and then did a really steep turn to the left making the helicopter lean right over!  It was over far too quickly (it last about 15 minutes), but I'd definitely recommend it.
Circling over the Clyde

 Obligatory selfie and the view approaching Loch Lomond

And so, my '30 things to do before turning 30' list has come to an end.  I have mixed feelings about it.  As I've said before, it's been really good for me to have this to work on over the past 13 months, and it's given me a sense of purpose and focus (two things I struggle with a lot).  I've done new things, some that I've wanted to do for a long time.  I've had fun, and been able to share some of them with friends.  And I've loved being able to blog about it - I find writing very therapeutic, and it's good for me to write about something positive.  My diary is a pretty miserable read!  At times, it's felt a bit of a burden, especially financially.  And I struggled with some of the items, like the sewing machine projects.  But I feel sad that it's over now.
I've been in my thirties for over 10 weeks now.  And no, the world hasn't fallen apart and I haven't turned wrinkly and fat overnight (thankfully).  Do I still worry about the future and the prospect of getting older?  Yes, of course!  But at least I've created some good memories along the way... something which I hope to continue to do.
I'd like to thank my family and friends for being so supportive of all this over the past year.  And a big thank you to anyone who reads this blog.  Sometimes I worry that I'm boring and that people aren't interested in me, so I find it very encouraging when people say they enjoy reading this blog.  It means a lot to me.
Better get writing that '40 before 40' list...  Xx