Tuesday 6 December 2016

Catching up

I've not been great at keeping on top of publishing my photos on here.  The days have been flying in, and we're already well into December!  I feel increasingly sad that my year of photos is coming to an end, but excited about the prospect of combining them into something.  I'm not quite sure what that will be yet - a photo album or canvas perhaps.
Below are my photos from November.  It was a month of beginnings, endings, celebrations, changes in the weather, thinking ahead to Christmas, and food.  Always food.
Day 305: Dreich, but beautiful; Day 306: Danger, man at work!!; Day 307: Planning ahead; Day 308: Always a good shopping list; Day 309: The all important taste test; Day 310: Fireworks night at Glasgow Green; Day 311 (large): Another beautiful sunset; Day 312: How d'you like them apples; Day 313: It was lost but now is found!

Day 314: Last official day working with this lovely lady; Day 315: Dinner out aka neither of us can be bothered cooking; Day 316: Snug as a bug; Day 317: That light ❤ Day 318: Best new discovery of the week - mint oreos!; Day 319: Super moon!; Day 320: Dusky walks in the park; Day 321: Hurray for lemsips!
Day 322: Street art (aka mirror left by the side of the road); Day 323: And so to bed; Day 324: Happy 90th birthday Grandad!; Day 325: Snap! (or nap, as Carys calls it); Day 326: First domestic tree spotted; Day 327: Festive flavours; Day 328: It's the little things; Day 329: Frosty mornings

Day 330: All dressed up for the theatre; Day 331: A successful evening; Day 332: Cheers!; Day 333: After Eights after eight; Day 334: Find of the day; Day 335: Excited to hand over this advent present!