Thursday 25 February 2016

Sunny days, rainy days

It comes as a bit of a surprise to me when I have a run of bad days now.  I guess that's a good thing, as it means I'm having more good days than bad.  The downside is that the bad days seem to have an extra sting in their tails.  Last week was grim.  This week has been better.  Last night I laughed so hard my tummy hurt, and it felt really good.
It's not that I don't have friends, because I have some amazing people in my life, which I'm very grateful for.  I'm just not very good at being sociable.  I often don't take the initiative to arrange to meet up with people, and tend to think that my friends will probably be busy anyway.  I feel this particularly with friends who are married/ in a relationship/ have kids.  It's not that they don't have time, but I feel I need to respect their time off as they'll be wanting to spend it with their other half/ family.  Perhaps that reflects more on me and my fears of rejections, being left behind and feeling overlooked.  I am trying to be better at arranging to see friends, but I think I need to push myself and start trying to get to know new people as well...  Eep!
My 'photo a day of something that makes me smile' project (not very catchy I know) continues.  I've been taking a lot of sky/ sunset photos.  Mostly because it seems like such a novelty to see sun and blue sky after a ridiculously long winter.  You should be able to click on the photo blocks below to see larger versions.  Hope you like them...
Day 38: Love a bit of avocado with my dinner; Day 39: Can't see the appeal of working out beside the window, even if it is frosted!; Day 40: Spring has sprung!; Day 41: Amazing colours in the sky; Day 42: Another beautiful sunset, this time from Kelvingrove Park; Day 43: Cava and chats with my bestie

Day 44: Oreo cookie brownie; Day 45: A walk in the sunshine, snow on the hills & getting out of the city to Glen Luss; Day 46: A swim followed by this cupcake to beat the Monday night blues; Day 47: Most definitely a soup day; Day 48: A few moments of quiet beside the Clyde after a tiring day: Day 49: Nice lines and curves on a bench; Day 50: Reminiscing about my snowboarding days; Day 51: After a bad week, it was nice to FaceTime my wee nieces; Day 52: Needed some time back at home: Day 53: I'm not a fan of selfies, but a good hair day is worth celebrating!; Day 54(large): View from ground level - snowdrops & sunshine: Day 55: (living) room with a view
You can follow me on Instagram @muhanga12 or view the webpage here:

Saturday 6 February 2016

Days 17 to 37

Despite saying in my last blog post that I was finding my photo-a-day project a little daunting, I am still enjoying it.  I like having a record of each day - where I've been, a nice view, who I was with, what the weather was like...  Some of the photos make me laugh - yes, I really did take a photo of myself drying my hair.  I felt like a dog hanging out of a car window!  And so far I've only included 2 photos of hot chocolate, which is quite impressive given how often I go to coffee shops.
I've included days 17 - 37 below, and remember you can also go to to see the photos.  (You don't have to sign up to Instagram to view the webpage.)  Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging about this wee project of mine.  Wish I could see myself the way you see me!
Day 17: Snowman - Glasgow style; Day 18: Went swimming again for the first time in 5 months & it felt great!; Day 19: Some days just call for hot chocolate; Day 20: Recycled necklace, now an ornament; Day 21: I love raspberry jelly; Day 22: Friday night cinema trip; Day 23: Reclaiming some of my aloe vera plants from home; Day 24: What Sunday afternoons are made for; Day 25: Alternative Burns supper - haggis pakora, rice & veggies.

Day 26: Pretty puddle reflections; Day 27: Say cheese!; Day 28: Childhood memories of my mum using these pens; Day 29: A wild, windy day but pretty in lights; Day 30: LOVE these guys; Day 31: A new notebook for my new course on sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa; Day 32: Pretty nails; Day 33: So good to see some sun again; Day 34: Hair drying selfie; Day 35: Another day, another hot chocolate; Day 36: Crazy golf!; Day 37: Sunshine in a glass.