Sunday 4 September 2016


August crept by like a ninja, and now we're into September.  The sun is still shining (most days), but there's definitely a change of season in the air, with darker evenings and cooler days.  The rowan tree outside my window is no longer covered with bright red berries - they've faded to a decidedly autumnal orange.  I've been eyeing up my winter scarves, neatly folded in my wardrobe, and have to say I'm looking forward to wearing them again!  There's something comforting about wrapping up in a big scarf and wooly hat.  The romantic in me is dreaming of long walks on cold, crisp days and stopping for hot chocolates.  I'm sure I'll soon snap out of this when I'm in the middle of a cold, wet, slushy winter in Glasgow!!
Working in retail, particularly in a gift shop, means you have to plan ahead whether you like it or not.  This week we had a lot of deliveries of our Christmas stock - cards, decorations, gifts...  I'm relieved to say that it's not out on the shop floor yet, but the change of season is fast approaching.  I've already wrapped some Christmas presents (for a customer, I add hastily!) and am thinking ahead for our social media and website content.
I'm also aware that I'm now into the final third of this photo-a-day project!  How did that happen?  Stupidly, I already feel a bit sad about it coming to an end.  Although there's nothing to stop me from doing it again next year.  But I like the idea of taking on a new project.  Need to get my thinking cap on...
Here are my photos from the last few weeks.  Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger version.

Day 224: Mojito flavoured French fancy!; Day 225: Loving the gorgeous colours in this skirt: Day 226: It's been a pizza and cider kind of evening; Day 227: A whole lot of tea pots: Day 228 (large): Beautiful sunset; Day 229: Sunny day in Glasgow: Day 230: Evening reflections (and dirty windows); Day 231: I carried a watermelon; Day 232: Prosecco Fridays are the best!

Day 233: New candle on the go; Day 234: Sunday cinema with my pal; Day 235: Colour pop; Day 236: Withering but still pretty; Day 237: I love these wispy looking clouds; Day 238: It's all peachy; Day 239: Because I needed another cloud photo: Day 240: Floral finds on an evening walk; Day 241: I spy... (my mother)

Day 242: Some days just call for pasta, even if it is for pasta salad; Day 243 (large): Pausing for breath; Day 244: The closest I get a cuppa!; Day 245: Thumbs up for bedtime; Day 246: Tile appreciation; Day 247: Mmm...macaroons!

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