Monday 21 May 2012

Muraho Cyangugu!

So we arrived safely in Cyangugu on Friday.  In the morning we went for a last walk round the university campus and saw some monkeys.  Can't imagine going to a uni where monkeys just roam around the campus!  Being around students and young people all week made me realise how much I miss that community and fellowship you have as a student.  Life can pretty lonely in Stirling, and that's one thing I'm not looking forward to when I get home.  It's also so good to spend time with the girls on the team - I'm so grateful that we get on as well as we do.

On the journey to Cyangugu we travelled through Nyunwe forest - a very twisty road and I spent most of the journey through the forest with my head out of the window - a lot of fun!  We saw another monkey there too.  It's not as rural here in Cyangugu as I thought it would be, but still quite a different feel from Butare and Cyakabiri/ Muhanga.  We can see across Lake Kivu to the DRC and on Saturday went to the border.  (don't worry parents, we didn't go in!)  We also saw the hills of Burundi and visited a hot spring.

Cyangugu isn't without it's challenges.  I feel very insecure here, more so than the other places we've stayed and feel very judged for being a quiet person.  I can't sing, dance or play sport.  I'm not good at talking to people I don't know and I'm not good at speaking up in conversations.  I know I need to put these worries aside and focus on the things I'm good at/ can do (....what are they again?!...) but it's hard.

Thanks to Dianne Y and Gill F for the post - lovely to hear from home.


  1. Hi Katie
    good to read your latest post. Trip to Lake Kivu & journey through the forest sound great. I know you wouldn't try going over the DRC border - you're far too sensible! Do hope you settle in to Cyangugu OK. You're right, you do need to focus on the things you're good at - there's lots of them too.
    Andy, Gill & Ishbel are coming up tomorrow, so it will be great to see them. Weather here has turned hot & sunny, so a real change.
    Take care, Dad

  2. Dorothy, your original Mum24 May 2012 at 16:22

    Gday Katie. It's sizzling hot here. Just hanging out the washing I could feel my neck fry. Dad told me there was a fire alarm at work so they sat outside for a while in the heat...what wimps we are! I reckon the SEPA staff should have decamped into the River House for cocktails. Have finished the online foodshop, made the dinner (cheese pie and salad), ran the washing machine with vinegar (so now the room smells like a chip shop!!!) and am waiting for the West Kirby Smiths. Oh before I forget, Joanne had a baby girl yesterday, over 10lbs and called Ella. Really pleased for her.

    Sorry you're finding even more challenges but keep doing your best to stay optimistic. Sometimes it's after the really uncomfortable times are over that we realise how much we learned. Hope that's how it is for you. Never mind going into the DRC or not, you don't get Good Daughter points for travelling in a vehicle hanging out of the window!!! Am sure I'd have done the same and Granny would have been shocked. Yet, given the chance, don't you think she'd have hung out too?! I guess what you could see of Burundi would be a skyline of mountains in the distance? Is this your last week of travelling or is there one more..can't find my list of the places you mentioned. Am sure Lake Kivu is a sight to behold. Have you eaten fish yet? Beef and goat meat...a difference from home on both counts!

    Hope your parcel arrives soon. When I posted your letter yesterday, the girl behind the counter was A. shocked at my writing or B. couldn't think where Rwanda was or C. both!! She certainly studied the envelope for a good while.

    Gillain G was telling me about the child they sponsor from DP. She's spoken to your friend Gillian on the phone. Small world!

    Take care. Maybe speak to you on Sunday? Love and hugs.
    Mum xx

  3. HI Katie,
    Just a quick hello today. Have been catching up with your news. Always impressed by technology....great way of keeping in touch.
    Life is still challenging for you, but you're there, you're carrying on and always looking for good to come out of it all.
    Amazing weather here. So enjoying relaxing in warmth. Hugh has headed down to Nottingham today for a few days at the cricket. Glad the weather is looking promising for him. He has sun cream and his cagoule!!!
    Not long in from home group. Looking at Hezekiah's reign, but ended up talking about up to date prophecy.
    Shirley Worland arrives tomorrow to stay for a week or so, so life won't be dull.
    Love and prayers
    Margaret McWh

  4. Hi Katie,
    I was a bit behind, due to my frustrating email/computer system which is very slow.. Great that you're seeing different places and different ways of living. I remember being told I was quiet and it did make me self-conscious, but I don't think many would say that now-not sure! People love being listened to, so if you can get them started, it's a good way to go!
    My friend Frances in York went to Burundi with a global alpha team last year. Was well-received and she and her husband hope to go to Uganda this year. The people they met were amazed at the things written in the Bible for couples and families. It's really great you've gelled so well as a team. Hope the bite situation is a thing of the past and all bites healing?
    I pray that this week will be a rewarding one for you, that you will have fun and be encouraged. It's our last homework club this week-Margaret's got them all organised and vying for stars!
    Love and God bless,

  5. Hi Katie

    really enjoying all your blogs - and certainly don't envy you! Just about a month to go now till hot showers and hair straighteners.

    Our new intern, James Murray, has started and Beth is busy indoctrinating him before she goes off for the school holidays.

    Last week Roddy's mother moved to an old folks complex in Stornoway which was a major logistical feat for us and has left our house rather empty.

    Hope you continue to keep well and sane for the remaining few weeks.

    Lots of love and constant prayer.

    L xx
