Tuesday 9 October 2012

From sunrise...

On Easter Sunday and on our last Sunday in Rwanda, we got up about 5.30am and walked to the top of Zion hill to watch the sun rise.  It was really special, sitting on the steps of Zion church and watching the sky change from blues to pinks, then orange to yellow.  I was always amazed at how peaceful it felt sitting there, despite all the different noises you could hear - traffic, children, animals, the youth technology project, choir practice in the church.  Even at dawn, there was the buzz of insects and birds, and the occasional Rwandan wondering what on earth these crazy muzungus were up to now.  I like to close my eyes and think about the view from Zion hill (cheesy I know).  But it helps me to remember that it was real - that I did it, that I was really there, and that it's not just some distant memory.  My time in Rwanda feels so much more special and significant now, than when I first got back.  It's been great to be able to look back over these photos and share them with people - I hope it makes it more real and tangible for you!

1 comment:

  1. Dorothy, your Mum9 October 2012 at 23:01

    Hi Katie

    Although it can seem that we need to 'sit and stare' to process significant times and experiences, sometimes the processing happens just as we return to seemingly ordinary day-to-day life. It isn't lost just because we hoover, serve customers or wonder what strange thing those living around us will say or do next! It's processing quietly inside. Rwanda isn't lost to you....who would have thought you'd relish the opportunities to stand up and speak about Rwanda and the people there? Or that you'd feel disappointed to have only a short speaking slot? The times they are a-changing...and so are you!
