Sunday 30 November 2014


Originally I had given myself the option of changing two things on my list if I didn't think they were going to be achievable.  I might have to go back on that!
As I've said previously, I didn't quite think through the financial implications of doing something like this, and should have thought of more cheap/ free things for my list.  For example, I think flying first class is totally unrealistic for me at the moment (perhaps ever?!).  I've clocked up quite a few air miles this year and did walk through business class on the way to my seat, but I don't think that counts somehow.
So I've come up with a few alternatives.  I'd still like to achieve as much as I can from the original list, but it's good to have these as backups:
- Create a life soundtrack
- Invent a flavour of ice cream
- Buy flowers for myself
- Take up pilates
- Learn to whistle with my fingers
- Learn to carve a turkey properly
- Start a pension
- Go outdoor ice skating at Christmas
I'm definitely going to be substituting something from the above list for the following: 
8. Fly first class (too expensive)
11. Do an evening class in something I haven't tried before (costly, and nothing that interests me enough)
14. Read the instruction manual for my camera and finally learn how to use it properly (don't have the motivation to do it)
Only 4 months to go...eek!

Wednesday 26 November 2014

And relax...

25. Get a massage
I had my first ever massage this morning!  I decided to stop putting it off and booked myself in for a neck, back and shoulder massage at a place just up the road from my flat.  My expectations were that it was going to tickle, I'd be told I had really tense shoulders and lots of knots (whatever they are), that it might be sore and that I'd end up laughing or burping or some other inappropriate reaction (sole blame for me having the wrong reactions to situations such as this lies with my mum).
Fortunately it didn't tickle, the girl didn't say anything about me, it was only a tiny bit sore at points and I didn't laugh or burp.  It definitely felt a bit weird, but it was relaxing too.  My shoulders still feel a bit sore, but they've been like that for a while and I guess massages work better over a period of time rather than one quick fix.  I could get used to having a massage every week...
So that's 6 items completed now from my list!  And about 9 more underway. 
There are some things on my list which I know I will not complete, such as number 8 Fly first class.  And other I feel a bit dubious about (Am I going to have time to take a road trip around Scotland? Or the money to have a weekend city break in Europe?).  I wondered about learning to whistle properly, and looked at some videos on YouTube yesterday.  But after 10 minutes practice all I had was a sore mouth and lots of spit to clear up (lovely).
So I'd like some suggestions of alternative ideas!  The cheaper (or free) the better.  Any thoughts?
Other relaxing things I have done this past week are going for a walk in Mugdock Country Park, eating brownies, and going to Luss with my uni friends and getting this fab photo:

Thursday 13 November 2014

Guts Over Fear

1. Volunteer for a good cause
Technically my time in Uganda was for a work trip, not volunteering.  But given that I work part-time in the UK, I’m going to count it.  It’s also a good excuse to give Dwelling Places a bit of promotion!
I spent most of my 3 weeks at DP working in the office with the other members of staff - attending review meetings, staff training and planning for 2015.  I loved that feeling of being part of a team again and seeing how it all fits and works together to fulfil our aim: until every child has a chest to rest his head on and a place to call home.  Dwelling Places works with street children, abandoned babies and high risk slum families in Uganda.  This is not easy – there are many challenges in working with vulnerable children, and it’s an ongoing struggle to find the resources to carry out this work.  I admire the dedication of the staff despite the challenges and uncertainty.
Dwelling Places follows a 4 ‘R’ process – rescue, rehabilitate, reconcile and resettle – and I met children at various stages along this journey.  From snotty-nosed children living in the home, to kids at boarding school getting ready for their exams, to a girl who had recently graduated from university.  It was so encouraging to see this process in action, and to be reminded who this work is about.  I love that DP focus so much on the individual, and what can be done to help that child and their family.  It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture sitting in a wee back room in Glasgow.  I needed to be reminded that I care about something and that the work I do contributes to something greater than what I can see.
As I blogged about previously, this trip had a lot of worth for me professionally and personally.  I still can’t quite believe that I’ve been and gone and done it.  And that it went well!  I feel like those three weeks gave me a tiny glimpse into the sort of person I could be.  I had a sense of confidence again which I haven’t had for a long time.  I felt hopeful about the future and that I might have options again, instead of floating along in life.  That there’s more to life than day to day existence. 
It’s been hard retaining that confidence and good feeling since I came home.  At one of the churches that I went to in Uganda, the pastor prayed with me and the people I was with at the end of the service.  She said something to me about holding back and that I’m afraid in life, and that I do this with God as well.  Of course she’s right, but it caught me off guard and I started crying.  What is wrong with me?  Why haven’t I learned how to face my fears and overcome them yet?  Why do the disappointments and ‘what ifs’ still feature so much in my thoughts?  Sometimes people tell me that I’m brave, but I certainly don’t feel like I am.  Worry and uncertainty are all too common in my life.  Why can’t I live my life with courage, and with the assurance that I should have from being a Christian and having family and friends who love and care for me?  Guts over fear.
I command you – be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

Of course it doesn’t help that I’m exhausted this week, and feeling overwhelmed.  Despite taking this week as annual leave, I haven’t properly switched off from work.  It’s hard to make the time to process all the thoughts buzzing around my head.  I don’t really know where to start.
*If anyone would like more information about the work of Dwelling Places, please get in touch with me at  You can receive our fortnightly newsletter, pray for us, collect pennies, sponsor a child, sponsor a member of staff, or give a one off donation to help this amazing charity.  Have a look at for more information.*