Tuesday 15 March 2016

Days 56 to 75

I'm going to keep this short as I am struggling to string a simple sentence together, let alone write anything deep and meaningful.  It's been a while since I worked full time, and I'd forgotten how tiring having two part-time jobs can be.  Not that I'm complaining - I'm so grateful to be in this position and to have a little bit more financial security.  I don't like money, but we all need it to get by.
As always, you can click on the photos below to see larger versions.  Follow me on www.instagram.com/muhanga12
Day 56: I love seeing crocuses at this time of year; Day 57: A silver lining indeed!; Day 58: Happy to have a few shifts back in here again; Day 59: I could get used to these lighter evenings; Day 60: Got the ring, just need a guy to propose to now! I get to keep the ring right?! #banter**; Day 61: Ended up working for most of my day off so went out for a hot chocolate; Day 62: Best discovery of the year so far! #krispykreme; Day 63: There's no place like home, especially with friends like these; Day 64 (large): The face of someone who's just been offered their first permanent job in over 3.5 years!; Day 65: Delicious oreo brownie - just what I needed; Day 66: Unashamedly showing its true colours. Maybe I could learn a thing or two from that; Day 67: Beautiful afternoon sun in Stirling

Day 68: A carpet of crocuses; Day 69: Magic mushrooms!; Day 70: Oh Glasgow, you look great in the sunshine!; Day 71: Had a rubbish day so what else was there to do but eat chocolate, sprawl on the sofa and watch YouTube videos of cyclists getting chased by an ostrich; Day 72: Anyone in Stirling lost their toaster? Last spotted on Baker Street, Stirling ~10pm! #authenticstreetfood; Day 73: Lesson of the day - small things can make a big difference (and mini eggs help with last minute presentation writing); Day 74: Perfect day for a long walk beside the canal. Just don't get too close!; Day 75: Savoury comfort food goodness
**I should add that this is a fake ring I made from tinfoil and cheap stickers. Not so funny when you have to explain to your parents that it was a joke for February 29th!

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