Thursday 21 June 2012


Yesterday we went on a safari!  15 of us packed into the van and left Cyakabiri at 4.30am to drive to Akagera National Park in the east of Rwanda.  The landscape over in the east is so different compared to to the rest of the country - flatter and drier rather than lush, green hills.  It's one thing to see these animals in the zoo, but to see impala, buffalo, zebra and giraffes wandering across the African savannah is something else!  We were allowed to get out of the van near the giraffes - amazing!  We also saw monkeys, another type of antelope, lots of birds and a hippo's bum.  It was an experience I'll never forget (the whole day, not just the hippo!).  (Photos to follow once I get home)

As if that wasn't enough wildlife for one day, I had 2 lizards fall onto my bag about a foot from my head during the night - I don't know who got more of a fright - me or them!  Thank goodness for mosquito nets.

The night before safari we watched The Lion King on dvd.  I'd forgotten what a great film it is and couldn't help but cry most of the way through (that opening scene... even more spectacular when you're actually watching it in Africa!).

Not much else has happened since I last blogged.  Life is quiet here but we're able to find things to do on the days where nothing is planned for us.  I feel more settled this week - happy to be here, adjusting to the thought of coming home but not thinking too much about all that it brings.

Prayer points
- I've been sleeping really badly for the past couple of weeks and seem to be getting into a bad habit of staying awake or not being able to stay asleep.
- I have about 50-60 new bites on my legs, feet, hands, tummy and neck and they're driving me crazy!  It's so hard not to scratch and very frustrating as I don't know where they're coming from or how to stop them.  It's definitely contributing to my lack of sleep.  I know that part of being here is dealing with stuff like insect bites, but it would be so good not to have to put up with it (or at least not as many) for my last 2 weeks in Rwanda!


  1. i have some very good mexican cream which would deal with your bites no problem. shame i cant teleport it over. it was amazing.

    1. How fantastic to see all those animal in a large park rather than a Zoo. I looked up Akagera on the map and can see why you had to get up even earlier than usual. Who's a big softie crying through 'The Lion King' then? I can imagine it being quite a poignant evening. Can't remember if you have the DVD or not?

      Thinking that I might have to buy you some thermals for your return to Scotland. Warm it isn't! Our visitors from Ecuador last weekend felt chilly and wished they hadn't packed for summer, poor things.

      Make the most of your last couple of weeks and hope you have the chance to see all the people you'd like to.

      Big hug. Mum xxx

    2. hi katie, great you went on safari-brilliant experience! hope i can see photos.. check out that bed-seems suspect to me on the bite front! Jane wisely brought mattress covers when went to Mozambique! no wonder sleep a bother. praying will get sorted. Linda x
