Tuesday 25 September 2012


After Butare, we headed south west to Cyangugu, down by the border with the DRC and Burundi.  I think I had some of my most challenging experiences here, in terms of the activities we were doing and how I was was feeling personally.  I often felt totally inadequate and invisible (and that's saying something given how much I stood out as a white person).  At times I felt judged for being a quiet person and found it very difficult to get over my shyness.  Going into schools and leading assemblies with singing and a drama was also not my idea of fun!  But despite feeling intimidated, I managed it (hugely helped by being with the other girls) and can look back now and say I did it.  It's the same with teaching - I found it so tough and stressful but I got through it every time.  It's helped me to feel just that wee bit more confident about myself.
Cyangugu definitely had some highlights too.  Our friend Ilva (who was in Rwanda for a year and lived down the road from us in Cyakabiri) joined us for our time in Cyangugu and fitted right into the team - it was great to have her with us.  I enjoyed seeing more of Rwanda and spending time down by Lake Kivu.  I felt humbled by a woman we met who prayed big prayers with complete faith.  And I loved taking part in umuganda (the community day) where we moved rocks and stones to make a new church foundation.  It was so good to do something practical and helpful, and to be able to show that I wasn't a total wimpy white girl after all!
On the border

Looking over to DRC

Hot springs!

The house we were staying in, complete with a veranda for eating breakfast or playing games of ligretto on.

Sarah, Ilva, Becca, Alice and Katie C.

The Rwandan flag with the hills of the DRC in the background

Lake Kivu

Our gift from the Bishop on behalf of the diocese - some beautiful fabric!
(last photo by Sarah)

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying seeing all yourlovely photos.Thanks for posting them.
    Margaret McWhinnie
