Sunday 30 September 2012


On a lighter note, Rwanda certainly had some interesting wildlife!  Birds of various sizes and colours, lizards (including ones that liked to jump on my stuff at 2am), monkeys...  The worst was probably the insects that occasionally invaded our rooms during a rainstorm.  They just seemed to appear out of nowhere, fly straight at your face and then continue to wriggle around even after being battered to the ground with whatever book was nearest (often a Bible, redefining the term 'Bible-bashing').  My catch phrase became 'shut the door, you'll let the beasties in!!'


Monkeys in Butare

The only monkey we saw in Nyungwe forest

I loved these birds - they could teach me a thing or two about making tall look graceful!

A wee nest just outside our room.  The mother bird liked to swoop at us if we got too close!

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