Tuesday 6 May 2014

Some ground rules

As soon as I hit 'publish' on my blog post last night, I slightly regretted it.  Maybe this is a stupid idea, people will think it's cheesy, now that I've made it public I can't go back on it etc.  But I still posted a link to the blog on Facebook today, and actually I feel better already for having a project on the go.  Something to focus on, which will hopefully help me to feel a bit more motivated about life again.  And people have been really positive about the idea so far!
There are a lot of '30 before 30' lists out there already.  Some people seem to have started when they turned 25.  Given I have less than 11 months to go now till my birthday, I think it might be slightly unrealistic to include items such as 'get married' or 'write and publish my first novel'.  I'm also not that keen on some of the more vague ideas I've seen, for example learn to accept myself as I am.  Some things take longer than 11 months. 
So I've decided to set myself a few ground rules.  Nothing too strict, just a few things to help me at this initial stage.
1. The list can't include anything I was planning on doing already this year (eg. go to China, get my first credit card) - that would be too easy!
2. I'd like the items on the list to have goals/ final outcomes rather than being open-ended.  Something I can quantify or take a photo of.  I like being able to tick things off a list knowing that they've been completed.
3. A good number should be fun things!
4. But I also want to have some challenges in there too - I'm a great believer in pushing myself out of my comfort zone every now and then.
5. I want to involve other people as much as I can.  Because it's good to share, and that will help with number 3.

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