Thursday 19 June 2014

Pre-travel jitters

As the name of this blog suggests, I'm a bit of a nervous traveller.  I love the idea of seeing new places, trying new things and being spontaneous, but I'm actually much more of a home-bird who likes routine and familiarity.  I get stressed about packing, have a fear of public toilets, and hate any kind of creepy crawlies.  Insects (especially ones that bite) seem to love me - the mosquito bites I got in the Dominican Republic turned bright purple, and I had fleas in Rwanda, much to the horror of my parents who tried to persuade me to return home with as little as possible in my luggage.  And despite the impression that I give to others that I'm organised, I'm much more of a last minute person than I like to admit.  Which of course, just adds to my stress levels!

But I am so looking forward to sitting on that plane tomorrow.  Once I'm in that seat there's no more packing to be done, lists to check or work emails to send.  I'm heading to China for a couple of weeks - my first holiday for several years.  I've realised this week that I am so like my parents pre-holiday.  I have this nagging feeling that I need to make sure the flat is super clean and all the washing is done before I leave.  And I was up until about 11pm last night finishing off last minute work things, and am popping in to work today despite having started my annual leave.  I'm sure you can work out which parent is which!

As for my 30:30 list, I'm hoping to be able to tick off number 29 in China - try an unusual type of food.  Deep fried scorpions anyone?!  And what are the chances of being able to do number 8 - fly first class.  Do you think it counts if I walk through or stand in first class for a few seconds?!  I wonder if I try and explain my list at the check in desk...

I'm making progress with some of the other things on my list too:

Number 16 (do a 30 day photography project) is coming along well. I'm really enjoying planning my photo according to the theme for that day.  The 13th was 'simply' so I took this photo:

This is 'simply' Glasgow for me.  No matter how many times it gets taken down, 
there's always a new one on it within a few hours.

And this was from the 17th - 'peaceful'

In other news, I've read 7 out of 27 books in the New Testament (number 2 on my list).  And yes, I did start with some of the shorter books - wouldn't you?!  I've lost 3.5 pounds (number 21) and I'm learning how to play Clocks by Coldplay on the piano (number 12).  And I walked up Dumyat a few weeks ago with my dad in preparation for number 23 - climb a munro.  Seems I am as unfit as I thought I was!!  But the views from the top were worth it...

1 comment:

  1. i think you are doing good so far with your "30:30" list, well done. x
