Saturday 4 October 2014

Sweaty Betty... or should it be Tomato Face

23. Climb a munro
Today I made it to the top of the my first munro!  I'm really pleased to have done it, although I feel shattered and know my legs will be aching for the next few days.  Must. Get. Fitter...
My dad (aka mountain man) completed all 282 munros last April, so was in a good position to advise me on which one to try.  He suggested Schiehallion, near Aberfeldy, as it's 'an iconic isolated peak, with fantastic views'.  It's also pretty easy.
So off we set this morning, with mum waving at the window and our rucksacks full of cereal bars and extra layers.  I felt a bit out of place arriving at the car park with lots of other people setting off at the same time as us.  It embarrasses me that I get out of breath so quickly, and have to walk at a snail's pace.  But thankfully dad is good at encouraging me to just go steady, reminding me that it's not a race to the top. 
There was only a wee shower on the way up, and although the cloud was down when we arrived at the top, it soon cleared to show off the views.  And, as promised, they were fantastic!  (click on the photos to see larger versions)

Here's proof that I made it!
I made a joke about having champagne to celebrate at the top, and dad whipped out some cider and my favourite kind of chocolates to go with our lunch!  It was baltic at the top, so we stayed long enough to down the cider and eat our lunch and then legged it back over the scree to get out of the wind.

I've enjoyed discovering my inner outdoorsiness, and am pleased (relieved) that I was able to do it!  I know my legs will ache for the next few days, but it was worth it.  Somehow I can't quite see myself setting out to climb all the munros, but I may be persuaded to do a bit more walking.  As long as there are chocolates involved!

 Love this.  Whoever pairs towns has a sense of humour!

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaaay!! Well done you :) Mrs Mackie would be proud of your use of the word scree!x
