Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Birthday to me!

30. Do something fun to celebrate my 30th
Well it seems that there is life on the other side of 30.  Admittedly the first few days of this new decade have been pretty tough, but the actual day of my birthday was better than I expected.
But let me take a step back.  Celebrations started a week early with lunch out in Stirling with my second mum, Elaine.  Then this week I've eaten cake 6 days in a row (thanks to Amy at Bible study, Gill at work and my mum for their contributions).  On the day itself, I went for a healthy swim first thing (to try and work off some of that cake) then had a back, neck and shoulder massage.  It was a slightly comical massage as the head rest kept clicking down so I was trying to hold my neck up, then had to pinch myself to stop laughing when the girl started karate chopping my back.  I also had to work hard not to squeal as she was working on all the knots in my neck and shoulders.  In the afternoon I took a walk up to Byres Road and sat in the sun (yes, sun!) in the Botanics and had a hot chocolate in my favourite coffee shop (Tinderbox).  My parents came through in the afternoon and we went out for dinner to The Bothy - a great restaurant in Glasgow with excellent food.  The company wasn't too bad either. 
One of the best things that was said to me on the day was 'you are only a day older than yesterday and a day younger than tomorrow'.  I think this is a good way to look at it.  I've been so focussed about being in a new decade and have made a huge deal of it.  It's just another day really.  And rather than be overwhelmed by looking at 10 years as a whole block, I just need to take break it down into more manageable pieces.  I'm at a point in my life where I'm very much taking things one day at a time, so it seems quite appropriate to think small instead of big.
More good things are to follow in the next week or so with a few day away with my school friends, and an afternoon tea with my uni friends.  And hopefully crossing off the remaining 3 things on my 30:30 list!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for suggesting the Bothy Katie. Enjoyed the food and, as you say, the company wasn't too bad either. The age thing is just about numbers although it may take a while to get over you mentioning that I'm older than middle aged! So it's just a number. Really.
    Love your Mum (and be polite to her if poss!)
