Wednesday 1 April 2015

Final Countdown

20. Upcycle 2 things from a charity shop (non-textiles)
I bought this set of tables last September, and have finally got round to finishing them off.  At last!  As with many of the items on my 30:30 list, this was a good project to have to work on.  Although it took me a while to get going with it, I enjoyed spending the time sanding the tables down and painting them up.  Yes, it was frustrating when the basecoat went all drippy.  Or when the second top coat of the blue paint ripped up the first coat.  But it's good for me to learn to accept that these things happen, and that I can't be a perfectionist all the time.
The tables cost me a fiver, and although the paint cost three times as much altogether, I'm pleased with the finished result.
You can see the necklace that I upcycled here.
The final result!
And so, this makes 26 out of 30 completed before my birthday, which is tomorrow.  The remaining 4 items should be happening over the next few weeks (celebrating my birthday, a weekend city break, hot air balloon ride and a helicopter ride).  It feels like an achievement to have made it this far.  As I've said recently, it's been so good for me to have these mini projects to work on over the past 12 months.  I'm not sure what I would have done without this list.
I can't say I feel any better about turning 30 tomorrow.  I'm sure a lot of people think I'm over-reacting about it, but it's a big deal for me.  How did I mange to get to this point in my life and still feel so lost and messed up?  Shouldn't I be a bit more on top of things by now?  I don't want to keep making the same mistakes in another decade but I don't know how to change.  I'm stuck in the mud, yet free-falling at the same time.