Friday 17 April 2015

London baby!

7. Have a weekend city break somewhere in Europe
AKA, a good excuse to spend time with some of my oldest and best friends from school.  We had originally planned to go to Paris, but it was proving too expensive and difficult to organise, so London was the next best option.
Highlights included getting the ticket man on the train to open our bottle of fizz on the way down, self timer shots of us all with face masks on, being tourists and doing a bus and boat tour, trying to climb the lions in Trafalgar Square, going to see the show 'Wicked', the amazing food market at Greenwich, wandering around the shops in Covent Garden, multiple selfies, sitting in the sunshine in a park...  It was good to get away, and to have a change of scenery.  I find London a bit big and overwhelming - I could never live there - but it's fun for a visit.  And so good to hang out with my friends.  Life feels that bit brighter when I'm with them.

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