Tuesday 28 February 2012


So as I said previously, the fundraiser went well!  I'm blown away with how much I made (I had been hoping for around £250) and am extremely grateful to all those who came along and gave generously.  All the money raised is going to RDIS - the Rural Development Inter-Diocesan Fund - which is the local organisation I will be working with out in Rwanda.  With the money from the fundraiser plus the other donations I have been given, I have £1870 in total for RDIS!  I'm excited to see how that money can be used - I'm really hoping it will make a difference.

We had about 70 people over the course of the afternoon on Saturday, for cakes, coffee (Rwandan Fairtrade stuff of course!) and craft.  It was stressful week leading up to Saturday as I had left a lot of my making to the last minute and there was a lot to do in terms of getting the house ready and setting up.  I think I was still making things about 30 minutes before people arrived!  Amazingly, we pulled it off though, and people came and bought things and enjoyed the mountain of cakes, and took more cakes away with them.  And I survived having my craft things on display!  People seemed to enjoy themselves, which is great too.

A special mention has to go to my parents for being so helpful (particularly my mum for doing so much baking despite professing to not being a baker), and to my school friends who came and helped out on the day.  I could not have done it without you!  Also to all the other people who baked for me, and to everyone who came along - a big thank you for your support!  It is much appreciated.

Unfortunately I didn't get that many photos on the day, but there are a few below to give you a flavour of it...  (thanks to Lynsey for the last 2 photos, and the amazing Rwandan flag cake!)

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