Sunday 11 January 2015

All That Glitters

28. Go to a ballet performance
I feel a bit like Eliza Doolittle in 'My Fair Lady' after she returns from the ball and sings 'I Could Have Danced All Night'.  I may have been trying to stand on my tiptoes whilst drying my hair this morning.  And I may have just googled 'tutus'...
Yes, I was at the ballet last night!!  I booked tickets for The Scottish Ballet's The Nutcracker months ago, having (easily) persuaded my mum, Gill from work and her mum to come along with me.  The disadvantage of booking that far in advance is that I kept on forgetting it was coming up.  But by the time we were walking into the Theatre Royal, I was pretty excited!  I felt like a small child going out for a very grown up evening.  I even wore a skirt - it takes something special to get me to wear anything other than jeans.
The story felt a little slow to begin with, but then the Snow Queen came out wearing a beautiful, starched-till-it's-horizontal tutu, embroidered and sparkly - the was the moment when I knew why I had put this on my list.  I can't describe just how elegant, and graceful the dancers were.  Everything from their finger tips, to their toes, the angle of their neck, the position of their arms and legs - it's all considered and placed precisely, yet flows seamlessly.  These guys are athletes really - unbelievably toned, flexible, fit and strong.  The costumes and scenery were fantastic as well
I loved it, and found it mesmerising.  Oh how I wish I had been good at dancing or gymnastics when I was younger.  I'm about as graceful as an elephant.  But at least I'm a slightly more cultured elephant now.
A fuzzy mother-daughter selfie

Ceiling in The Theatre Royal - impressive. Unfortunately photography
during the performance was not allowed.

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