Sunday 18 January 2015

Beautiful Attitudes - Part 1 of 3

3. Write 30 good memories/ achievements from my twenties
Sometimes I have to work quite hard to see the positives in my life. This item on my list has forced me to look back over the past 10 years and pick out some of the best bits rather than remember the hard times. It’s a good exercise to do. I hope none of these come across as boastful, as I certainly don’t mean it in that way. I’ve split this into 3 parts, so come back in February for the next instalment.
In no particular order:

1. School friends reunion weekend, November 2010
I love these friends dearly, and even after leaving school nearly 12 years ago (gulp!) we are still a close group. Some of the girls I see more often than others, but every now and then we manage a catch up with all 8 of us. This weekend involved leaking wellies, lots of jumping photos by Portobello beach, screaming with laughter in the taxi and drinking out of teapots and teacups. Something happens when we’re all together and we regress to being unsophisticated teenagers again, mucking about and having a lot of fun together. Who needs anti-wrinkle cream with friends like these?!

2. Greenhouse photo, August 2007
This may not look like a particularly special photo at this scale, but out of all the hundreds of photos I’ve taken, it’s probably my favourite and the one I’m proudest of. It was taken during a week-long college project at the Botanic Gardens in Glasgow. I was standing outside Kibble Palace after a rain shower, and just liked the curves and lines, the sunlight coming through the glass, and being able to look in and through it. Right place, right time. I’ve given framed prints of this to a few people, and I know my parents have as well. It makes me feel happy to think of my work being in someone’s living room.

3. Commonwealth Games, July 2014
I was pretty sceptical about the games coming to Glasgow, and didn’t feel that bothered about going along to anything. But once they were here, I thought it was great! The atmosphere was amazing, especially when I went to one of the athletics evenings at Hampden Stadium with my dad. The noise was incredible! I was also on TV (yes, I watched the events back on BBC iPlayer until I saw myself)! Given how competitive the home nations can be with each other, it was really noticeable how good people were at cheering for everyone, no matter where they came from. I also enjoyed some of the free events – the road race, marathon and chilling in Glasgow Green in front of the big screens.

4. Dropping out of Glasgow Uni, August 2005
Although this was a difficult decision to make, it was also a huge relief. I remember leaving my advisor’s office and walking down the street with a grin on my face, and a weight off my shoulders. It was the first time I had felt like that for months. It’s surprisingly easy to quit University - all it needed was a quick chat and a signature. That is, after the months of agonising and discussing it with my parents. I still have occasional moments of regret about dropping out, and worry that I let myself and my family down, but it was the right thing to do. And it makes me thankful once again for supportive parents and friends.

5. Weekend at Compass Centre with Uni girls, July 2010
I’d just moved back to Stirling after finishing Uni in Manchester, and spent a weekend with 4 of my 5 best friends from Glasgow Uni at an outdoor centre near Glenshee. I’d neglected these friendships so much over the 3-4 years leading up to that point, and I don’t know if these girls realise how grateful I am that they stuck it out and didn’t drop me. It was weekends like this one that reminded me just how important friendships are in life. And no matter how special that guy might be, he will never and should never replace those friendships.
6. Being able to fit into clothes from 10 years ago, Winter 2014
I’m so pleased to have lost over a stone since May 2013. I feel a lot better for it, and have the added bonus of getting ‘new’ clothes without spending any money. My wardrobe at home has plenty of clothes in it that I didn’t want to get rid of, but didn’t quite fit anymore. Until now!

7. My 21st Birthday, April 2006

I went to Edinburgh Zoo with my parents. This might not sound that exciting, especially for a 21st, but I remember having a really good day. After a year of being ill and having very little energy or motivation, it meant a lot to me that I was able to walk around the whole zoo and that I enjoyed it. It also reminds me how patient and kind my parents were to me at that time, when I was incredibly difficult to live with.

8. Getting into Cardonald College, May 2006
I felt quite lost after dropping out of Glasgow Uni the previous year, and had no plans or thoughts about the future. Mum and I went along to a craft fair at the SECC in Glasgow and I stopped at a stand for Cardonald College. I spoke to a lovely lady, who would eventually interview me and be one of my tutors. It was just what I needed – something to focus on again, but without the pressure of the investment in a 4 year degree. I’d written off my art skills at school, and enjoyed the chance to rediscover them through this course.

9. China, June – July 2014

I’ve blogged previously about my 2 week holiday in China (see July and August 2014 for the links on the right hand side). It was so different from anywhere that I’ve been before – it’s hard to describe the scale of China, it’s so vast and varied. Highlights included seeing pandas, walking The Great Wall, taking in the views of rice terraced hillsides and watching the sunset over Hong Kong’s harbour skyline. I’m so grateful to have had opportunities to travel to exciting places over the past few years. To see beauty, to be amazed, to marvel, to take it all in, to wonder, to be still, to learn. These are all reasons why I love travelling.
10. Rwanda fundraising sale, February 2012
I was fortunate to have two jobs at the time, so was able to cover my own costs for going to Rwanda. But I wanted to raise some money for RDIS (Rural Development Inter-diocesan Service), the organisation I was going to be working with. So I decided to have a cake and craft sale at my house…quite a big challenge for someone who doesn’t like to display their art work in public, and a mother who doesn’t like to bake. But we pulled it off! I had lots of help from family and friends, and was so encouraged by the support and generosity of those who came along. I’ve never seen so many people in my house at the one time. I collapsed in a heap at the end of the day with my friends, and counted up the money – £790 on the day, with other donations coming in before and after. This is one of many occasions where God has showed me that He can turn my (perceived) weaknesses into strengths when I open myself up to the possibility.

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