Wednesday 18 February 2015

King Charles

27. See a band I've heard of before
The last gig/ concert I went to was 'Rwanda Superstar' in June 2012.  So it's been a while! 
I'd been putting off doing this item on my list - there's definitely more of a risk in going to see someone you know nothing about.  I must admit that I did have a quick look at some YouTube videos, just to make sure I wasn't letting myself in for any heavy metal/ rap/ dance music.  I saw that this guy, King Charles, had been on tour with Mumford and Sons, and was playing at Oran Mor in Glasgow in February, so that was good enough for me.  I booked a couple of tickets, and hoped that I would be able to find someone to come with me.  Thankfully my good friend Lynsey offered.
It was exciting to be at a gig again.  I did feel like an old lady at points - remarking on what some of the girls were wearing, trying not to yawn (in my defence, I had just driven 250 miles that day to get home in time for it), trying to avoid getting trod on by the couple dancing in front of us, being blinded by the lights, holding onto the jacket that I'd worn because it was cold outside (my pride is no longer enough to keep me warm)....  But I had a lot of fun, and it was good to be out with a friend.
I don't think I'll be rushing out to buy King Charles' album, but I would quite happily listen to his music on the radio.  And I enjoyed hearing some live music.  There were obviously some proper fans in the crowd, who were singing along, which always makes for a good atmosphere.  I did go onto the Ticketmaster website as soon as I got home and bought a ticket for another gig in March (Nick Mulvey) - I blame the guy who handed us a gig listings flier on the way in!

King Charles, with impressively big hair

Blinded by the lights

By the tour bus - Lynsey's 'discreet' face and me just looking like a weirdo

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