Thursday 26 February 2015

Who Do You Think You Are?

14. Write a list of 30 things people might not know about me
This is replacing the original no. 14, which was 'Read the instruction manual for my camera and finally learn how to use it properly'.  I'll get round to it one day... perhaps.
Recently on Facebook, a post was doing the rounds where you wrote 7 facts about yourself and then nominated someone else to do the same.  I was nominated, but never quite got round to it.  So here is my contribution, albeit slightly longer!
1. My real name is Catherine.
2. I did a solo skydive in 2003.
3. My current favourite films are The Shawshank Redemption, Back to the Future trilogy, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Silver Linings Playbook and Crash.
4. I became a Christian when I was 5.
5. I have weird pinkie fingers - one cracks every time I bend it, and the other has a scar down it with a lump from where it was shut in a gate.
6. I can't stand my graduation photo and have banned my parents from putting it up in the house.
7. I'm scared of eating prawns.
8. I don't drink tea or coffee, but sometimes wish that I did.
9. I have my grade 9 (out of 10) in figure skating.
10. I used to take tiny bits of artificial flowers that had fallen on the floor from the local garden centre.  I still feel a wee bit guilty about it.
11. I've never broken any bones.
12. My dream job is to be a photographer for National Geographic.
13. A lot of the time I don't actually enjoy being creative, but feel I need to pretend that I do.
14. I used to think horses was spelled hourses.
15. If I could choose a superpower it would be a close call between flying, being invisible and hearing what people think.
16. I had nits just before my 18th birthday.  It was a very traumatic experience.
17. My first job was in Clinton Cards.
18. I broke the roots of my upper two front teeth playing rugby in primary school - my teeth collided with Christopher Scotland's head.
19. Earlier the same day I had fainted in the bathroom by holding my breath to see what colour I turned.  The answer is red then purple.  I don't remember what colour came after that.
20. I burned my leg on the exhaust pipe of a motorbike in the Dominican Republic.
21. I saw my first 15 rated film at the cinema when I was 14.  My parents took me.
22. I used to know the American states in alphabetical order.
23. I once put lemon juice in my brother and dad's hot chocolates because I was annoyed with them.  My mum got the blame for having sour milk in the fridge.
24. I don't have 2 complete eyebrows.  Some of my right eyebrow is missing from where I was hit in the face with a football.  By Christopher Scotland.  Was he trying to tell me something?
25. I was obsessed with 'The Animals of Farthing Wood' when I was younger - the books, magazines, TV series, VHS, toys, clothes...  I cried when Vixen got swept away by the river in the TV series.
26. My favourite book is 'To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee.
27. Sometime I wish I was a bird, like Jenny in 'Forest Gump'.
28. I once took a banana for a snack without asking my mum, and ate it hidden behind the sofa in case I got caught. (Yes, I was that kind of child)
29. A few years ago I nearly drove into a street sweeper vehicle.  It was such a near miss, and I feel sick every time I think about it.
30. There's a part of me that would like to get a tattoo, but my mum won't let me.
So, how well did you know me?!

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