Saturday 21 March 2015

Animation Station

15. Learn how to make a stop frame animation
Stop frame (or stop motion) animations are a series of still images played in quick succession to give the appearance of movement.  It's the technique used for Wallace and Gromit, Pingu, Morph etc.  I wanted to start small, so have made two quite short animations.  They're not particularly inspired or complicated, but it feels good to have made them.  And more importantly, I enjoyed doing it.  Yes, that's right, I enjoyed doing something creative!!!!
The first one features a flower being put back together:
And the second is a tribute to the solar eclipse from yesterday.  I couldn't see much at the time as it was too cloudy, so recreated it later on with the help of an egg...
Hopefully this might be the start of a new thing for me.  And that's been such a rewarding part of doing this 30:30 list over the past year - learning or doing new things, rediscovering old hobbies, feeling a sense of achievement.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do once it's all over.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! That looks like a lot of fun, wonder how long it took to do each one? Hoping to see more.

    Your admiring Mum
