Friday 30 March 2012

Friday night adventures

It's Friday night and we're having a games night, but I'm so tired already and it's only 7pm!  We've been going to bed about 8.30/9pm and getting up at 6.15am.  Despite all the extra time in bed, I've not been sleeping well at all and often lack energy.  Hoping this will improve over time.

This week we've been sticking labels on pineapple jam and juice, which is made on the premises.  It tastes so good!!  We visited the farm who supply RDIS with the pineapples - who knew that pineapples grow on top of plants and not on trees?! I certainly didn't!  We've also planted trees and visited a school in Shyogwe.  That trip ended up like some weird episode of Glee, where their excellent choir sang and danced for us, and the 5 of us stood up and awkwardly sang a couple of songs back.  (There have been many awkward moments so far - so many 'lost in translation' moments)

There's not always much to do, and we have lots of time to 'rest'.  Apparently we need lots of time to rest - it's a bit frustrating, but also nice that they want to look after us so much.  It's good to have time to get to know the staff a bit better, and spend time reading etc.

I'm able to check my blog, emails and facebook now and then so if you do want to get in touch that would be lovely!  If you would like to write then I do have an address, although I've heard the post can take up to 4 weeks...

Katie Smith
Transform Team
BP 142


  1. Hi Katie,
    I'm rally pleased to have got your blog address from your Mum - I can't say I know anything about blogging, but I seem to have worked it out! Happy birthday for tomorrow - your card is awaiting your return to Stirling (since I didn't think in advance about posting it!)
    Sounds amazing what you're doing - I'm so impressed! One of Hannah's housemates comes from Rwanda and has lived through some really traumatic times, so it must be strange for her to be living in the east end of London!
    I'm glad that the prayers are for 'continued health'! By implication, you've not suffered illness, which is a real blessing. Hannah suffered some bad tummy problems in China, but recovered before coming home and was well looked after. It must take quite some time to adjust to such a completely different life - culture, daily living, food, heat. I'm sure that when it's time to return you'll be so immersed in your life there, that it will be hard to readjust back again!
    We had some great news last week that Jonathan's temporary job with a Christian charity has now been made permanent, so that's brilliant, although it will mean that he'll move out and live nearer work, just south of Oxford. So, just two of us left here!
    We'll be praying for you, and look forward to reading more of your blogs (now I know how to find them!)
    Lots of love
    Rosie & Jeremy


    Hope u have a lovely (and memorable!) day!

    Thinking of u, lots of love,

    Sian xoxoxox

  3. Dorothy, your Mum2 April 2012 at 13:35

    Happy Birthday to you Katie. The day you were born I looked into your little face and thought how special you were. And I still think so, despite the awful things we say to each other, which make Dad's toes curl up! I don't know what it is but a few people are finding it impossible to access your blog and others are having some problems in leaving a comment. Just know that your friends haven't forgotten you.
    Hope you're learning how to make pineapple jam as well as labelling the jars. All domestic skills appreciated by your parents!
    How about teaching the other girls some Scottish dancing to amaze your Rwandan hosts?
    Speak later.
    Love Mum

  4. Happy 27th birthday Katie! (If no-one knew your age before then they do now!!!) It sounds as if you are having an amazing time in Rwanda meeting new people, seeing new places and doing new things. Embrace every new challenge placed in front of you as you time there will fly by. I am going to try and grow a couple of pineapples so you can make me some pineapple jam when you get home. It sounds yummy! Don't feel shy or awkward when you are singing aloud...close your eyes and imagine you are the only person there and give it laldy (it works for me until John starts to throw things at me!)
    Lynsey is on holiday now and is coming to 'daddysit' for a few days as John is unwell again and I am popping over to Ireland to see Zach on wednesday til saturday. (I don't know who I feel more sorry for - Lynsey or John!)
    There is no more news to report here. I could go on about the weather - swimwear last week, fleeces this week but heyho that is Scotland for you!
    I will try and catch up with your mum and all your news when I get home from Ireland.
    Take care and enjoy every moment.
    Lots of love
    Elaine (your other mum) xx

  5. Hi Katie,
    Wishing you a Happy Birthday from the Welsh side of the family!
    Hope you have had a good day.
    Only just found your blog - with help from your Dad - fisrt time I've ever blogged!
    Thinking of you & praying for you.
    Peter, Heledd, Kimberly, Brandon, Ffion & Mared

  6. Hi Katie

    This is my second attempt to wish you a belated happy birthday! I'm a bit rubbish at working the whole blog thing...

    Hope your day was special and you didn't work too hard.

    David has been enjoying doing the welcome sheet and Beth is enjoying not having to!

    We all miss you and are looking forward to breaking open the sweets on Monday.

    L xx

  7. Hi Katie,

    It's Primrose from "downunder". Enjoying reading your blog. You are doing great! Let me tell you the most important thing you are doing there is giving of your time, giving of yourself - the most costly gift of all. It is not about what you can do but how you can encourage and build up others. From what you have written - and how inadequate you feel at times - I can 100% empathize with you! When I worked in orphanages and villages in India everyone could do EVERYTHING better than me. But when a little one placed their hand in mine and looked into my eyes with trust and a shy smile, somehow I never felt stupid or inadequate anymore. The universal language is love - not being perfect or having the perfect gift. Take heart you are being used of God much more than you will every know this side of eternity.... Keep the corners of the mouth up! (smile) lots of love, Primrose xox
