Monday 5 March 2012

Public speaking

I don't particularly like speaking on front of groups of people, and especially not in front of a whole church...  And yet I found myself standing up at the front of church this morning being interviewed about my trip.  So for those of you who missed it, or don't go to my church, I thought I would give a rough transcript of the conversation between Helen and me.

Helen started by introducing me to the church and said that I had been working part time in the office and part time in retail, and was about to go off to Rwanda for 4 months with Tearfund.

H: What will you be doing in Rwanda and can you tell us a little about the situation you will be working in?

Me: I'm going with 4 other girls, and we'll be working with an organisation called Rural Development Inter-Diocesan Service.  As far as I know I'll be teaching English.  However I don't really know anything about the ability or age, or whether this will be in a school or local community group.  So that should be interesting!

H: I know that several years ago you went with Tearfund to the Dominican Republic.  How have you reached this point where you are about to embark on another short term mission trip?

Me: When I was at school I had this idea that I would go to uni, graduate, get a good job, buy a house and get married... all by the age of 26!  I'll be 27 next month and since graduating in 2010 I've been living back home with my parents, single and either unemployed or working 2 part-time jobs.  So things haven't exactly gone to plan!  I suffered from depression for the majority of the time I was at college and uni, so I've found life quite tough at times.  I think these past couple of years at home have been a time of rest and recovery for me, in a familiar and safe place.  But while my circumstances might not be ideal or in line with what I'd hoped for, it's easy to become comfortable in life and accepting of things as they are.  I feel like I'm in the position now where I can and should challenge myself by doing something totally outwith my comfort zone.

H: You're leaving paid employment in order to serve in Rwanda and are not certain about what you will do when you come back.  Have you any thoughts about how God may be leading you beyond these next few months?

Me: I'm not sure!  I have thought about working in the charity sector.  And I've applied to do an internship with Christians Against Poverty, but that's not a definite yet.  I do feel however, that this time in Rwanda is going to be a significant first step in the next part of my life.

H: How can we pray for you?

Me: For safety and good health for myself and the other girls, for a safe journey on Wednesday/ Thursday, and for the people that we'll be working with.  That'd we be able to make a difference and have an impact during our time in Rwanda.  And that I would overcome my fears of the unknown and be open to having a life changing experience!

1 comment:

  1. Colin McNaughton5 March 2012 at 23:11

    I heard you spoke really well at church. Really good blogs by the way! Looking forward to reading all about your experiences in Rwanda :)
