Tuesday 20 March 2012

Internet at last!

Apologies for lack of posts - our internet access has been much less than I expected.  So I don't have long...

I'm doing ok - we have a busy week this week with house building in the morning and activities like gardening, sports and a school visit in the afternoons.  It's been great to actually do something helpful in the house building.  We haven't actually been doing the building ourselves but have been carrying water, sand, gravel etc.  It's very tiring work in the hot sun.  Also a reality check to walk down the hill 5 times to collect water.  It seems to be quite a community project though and lots of people have been helping.  We get laughed at a lot, I think because we are white girls and they think we aren't strong and wonder why we don't carry things on our head.  It's humbling and humiliating at the same time.

RDIS look after us very well and we eat a lot of carbs!  In some ways there is not a lot for us to do but I think this is positive too as it means they already have a lot of helpers and support.

Church was outside on Sunday - an interesting experience.  I thought I was going to keel over by the end it was so hot!

The electricity goes off most nights and the water stopped yesterday for about 24 hours.

Prayer points would be:
- energy for house building
- we're teaching again this Saturday, which I'm not looking forward to given how last time went.  Pray it would go well, as I think this is going to be a regular activity.
- for continued good health
- thanks that the team get on so well
- for more opportunities to help out and serve
- that I would start to overcome my fears and worries, which hold me back a lot (I find it hard to see what I can add to the team and give to RDIS in our time here)

Thanks for checking the blog and thinking of me/ praying for me!! Much love xx


  1. Dorothy, your Mum20 March 2012 at 16:27

    Fantastic to read these details. How much more the guys would laugh if you DID try carrying things on your head! Glad you're well looked after and that you girls are gelling.
    Katie, I want you to surprise yourself. remember scary things which you now love..snowboarding, skydiving, stomach lurching fairgroung rides? All activities where you look, wonder and ultimately just have to let go. And you did. Or what about learning to deal with so many people at work despite shyness? Consider all the cards, texts, emails and visits before you left for Rwanda. You made relationships and experienced care and love. Despite your fears, you ARE capable of letting go and surprising yourself. Go on..dive in! Deut33v27

  2. sounds to me like you need all the carbs..

    L x

  3. Dear Katie,

    Wonderful to read your blog. We read it out at home group this evening and wanted to respond with a message which we are writing here at home group.

    Particularly the subject we are looking at is 'What if ministry isn't fun' - so thought it might be appropriate but more importantly really wanted to encourage with a couples of verses. So, if you have a moment have a look at Phil 2: 3 - 4 and Romans 12: 1-2, we thought that they might be helpful.

    We are praying for you lots and are so proud of you and all you are doing out there. You're a real example to us all, especially that you continually think of others even in difficult circumstances. We have no doubt that God is using you while you are out there even though you might not see it yourself. Trust in the fact that God has brought you to Rwanda for a reason.

    We love you lots and praying for you.

    Jo, Connor, Ali, Catherine, Dawn and David xx

  4. I am eating sympathy carbs for you too!! Think about what you are getting from the experience and that might help you see what you can give to the people you meet- if you are learning something about another culture then you are also teaching the people you meet about how you live and your fears and hopes. Sounds like you are busy and doing lots of new and challanging things. With the teaching, just smile! I am sure they will love you!

    Miss you lots and think you are really brave to even get on the plane- so anything else is a bonus.

