Monday 26 March 2012

Phew, was meant to be a quick update...

Internet time here is rushed and stressful, so apologies in advance for mistakes and repeated info!

Still so thankful to be here in Rwanda - it's an incredibly beautiful and welcoming country.

Since my last blog update we have been:
- collecting water for house building - tiring work but it gives a small insight to everyday life for many people here and how hard it can be
- gardening and digging holes - again humbling, as we are laughed at for our technique, lack of strength and generally being white girls
- playing sport
- helping with cooking and washing
- visited a school in Shyogwe and helped vaccinate dozens of chickens
- playing with the kids at a local basketball court and dealing with the poverty they face, language barriers, and the attitude towards muzungus - 'give me ball', 'give me money' etc...
- teaching at a Compassion project - up to 45 kids each, teaching under the trees at the top of the hill outside the church.  it was better this Sat just past - we were more prepared for it!
- singing in church, the services are about 3 hours long. tough going at times
- rainy season is definitely starting - it's much colder then i expected at times
- fairly regular electricity cuts and some water cuts too (makes life interesting after sewating it out in the morning and not being able to wash)
- singing sessions (which I don't enjoy, I must admit - I'm not a strong singer at all)

Prayer points:
- Remembering to love the people we meet, especially the children, even when we're called muzungu and laughed at so much
- Being able to understand and appreciate our differences - cultural, religious views, lifestyle etc.  That they would understand us too.
- That the fog in my head would clear and this experience would be real and meaningful, and have a long lasting impact on my life
- I turn 27 next Monday, and am excited to have my birthday here with a possibility of a trip to Kigali that day.  Birthdays and New Year are times when I tend to over-reflect on my life and the things I haven't done, things I haven't achieved and how my life hasn't turned out the way I expected.  It would be good if this year I could think about what I have done, what I have achieved and how the direction of my life has ultimately been a positive one!
- I would like to be able to trust God more about the future as well as the present, and the plans he has for my life.  (thinking of verses such as Jeremiah 29:11, any other suggestions welcome)

Thanks to all who are reading my blog.  It's great to hear from mum about people who've been asking for me, and to read the blog comments.  I feel very far from home and familiarity so it's good to have this connection with home! xx


  1. I remember being called muzungus too!! Weird. Also power cuts so no straighteners! 3 hour church service sounds a bit much for me, hope it's not that long every week.
    Still sounds like you having a good time though. Hope you have a good birthday next week and that it can be a positive time of reflection for you. Take care love Barbara x

  2. Hello lovely Katie!

    A brief note to say hello and am thinking of you!

    It's so good to read ur updates! Today in Greenock we had sunshine and proper heat (relatively speaking!) which was very exciting- we don't quite know what's hit us! Didn't get that job I was telling u about before u left, pretty disappointing at the time but I think i am now reconciled! Some more possibilities on the horizon which is good.

    Katie- u are fabulous! Am so proud of u and will continue to pray, particularly re the overcoming fears and anxieties.

    Lots and lots of love
    Sian xxoxooox
