Wednesday 7 March 2012

Are 5 notebooks enough?

Yes, I did find myself asking this last night.  I was tired, and I like my notebooks!

My packing went from this:

To this:

And so I set off this morning to get the train to London, underground to Heathrow and then fly to Rwanda via Ethiopia and Uganda.  Writing that makes me feel a bit sick.

So if you're the praying kind, please pray for me and the other girls (Alice, Katie, Rebecca & Sarah).  For safety in travel - both for us and our luggage (I'm terrified my bags will go missing) - and for an amazing journey together over the next 4 months.  Pray for my back and left shoulder, which seem to be playing up again and won't enjoy lugging around heavy bags.  I often feel like my head is full of a think fog.  Pray this would clear and that I would experience the realness of this time away rather than float through it.

Thanks to all the kind texts, emails, messages, cards, visits from the last few days.  I feel encouraged, loved and noticed, and it means a lot to me!


  1. Well done on the packing - I love notebooks too!!!
    Wee collection under my bed, waiting......
    Will so pray that you have an amazing time on many different levels and that you connect with every minute. What I'm trying to learn is to "be" in the now, not to think of past or future but "be"/experience what you're doing, where you are NOW. Not easy and I usually forget but give it a go!!

  2. Eeeek!! I'm just off the phone to you and I'm also equally excited and nervous as I remember how I felt sitting at Glasgow airport after having said goodbye to my friends and family. It gets better once you've met up with others and are on the plane to Africa!!

    So proud of you and I know God is with you every step of the fact He's promised He's gone before you which is even better.

    Joshua 1:9 :-)

    Gill x

  3. Dorothy, your Mum7 March 2012 at 14:24

    It was hard hugging you goodbye this morning,harder still watching the Kings Cross train roll out of Waverley Station but I have the strongest conviction that you CAN do this Katie. I've watched you blossom and increase in confidence as you've researched, organised and worked towards fulfilling your dream of going to Rwanda. I've watched you responding to the love, care and interest of others in such a pleasing way. I watched you, this morning, eating your last bowl of Fruit and Fibre for a while. Your face was white and your hands were shaking but you had a look of determination on your face. Several people have commented recently on your 'core of steel.' I love your gentleness and concern for others but it's this core of steel that allows me to allow you to leave for the unknown....and not to worry. Bon Voyage. xx
